The Max-Hand 3000 durometer is Rex Gauge Co.’s latest innovation for the testing of specimens with creep. The Max-Hand 3000 has a max- hand and an active hand for observing the creep characteristics of a specimen. What makes the Model 3000 unique is the magnetic-drag maximum reset mechanism. The user simply rotates the reset knob on the front of the gauge to clear the previous reading. The simplicity of the reset mechanism ensures a lifetime of use.
For Technical Information click here or visit the ASTM at
Size: 2.25″ x 6.125″H
Weight: 11 oz.
- Includes NIST Calibration Certificate
- Conforms to ASTM D-2240, DIN 53505, ISO 868 and ISO 7619
- NEW Large Diameter Grip
- NEW18mm Diameter Presser Foot
- Holds Reading Until Reset
- One Year Warranty
- Custom Made Carrying Case
- Reads Maximum and Creep
- Cost Effective, Hand Operated
- Jeweled Movement
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